Since 2015 I occasionally came across places with muted, dark, presence. This started a series of photos - mostly taken in Polish mountains "Beskidy". This one - an old agricultural machine on the top of "Magurka". Anyone knows how is it called? MAP
You could say this was an ordinary place, just a trail. Few meters away from here is a "Windy Hole" - "Wietrzna dziura", sometimes called "Dragon's pit". Story behind it influenced this photo a lot :). MOVIE [ not mine ]
Worked on this photo a lot, wanted to bring roots as a separate entity. Again on trail to "Pilsko".
When you look from mountains on many of the Polish villages in valleys one object stands out. Church. Does it still have its strength to consolidate? Probably yes. Wilkowice in Beskidy mountains.
Running down from Witches' Mountain in Beskidy. Scariest thing in mountains, of course for me, thunderstorm. I always check the weather before going up, but sometimes the weather changes fast especially near this top, the highest mountain in Poland away from Tatras range.
One of the walks with just direction and curiosity as a guide. Away from trails, common paths etc. Just through woods. Each time I walk this way I feel like small kid visiting mountains for the first time. Wilkowice / Beskidy.
This might be irrational but when the rain comes forest starts to breathe. Go and check! Wilkowice / Beskidy.